Romo is a trade only company, you can buy our products through selected retailers and interior designers. Please visit the 'Where to buy' section of the website for a list of stockists in the UK and Europe, and for contact details of our international agents and distributors worldwide.
Where can I see Romo products?
Romo products are showcased in pattern books, which are on display in our customer's shops and showrooms throughout the world. Romo has its own showrooms in London, New York, Miami, Munich and Cl. Houten, The Netherlands, where a complete range of our fabrics and wallcoverings can be viewed in pattern books and on large hangers and where our latest collections are displayed as drapes and on furniture. We welcome everyone into our European showrooms to browse the collections, the New York and Miami showrooms are open to the trade only.For location details of Romo and other international trade showrooms, please visit the 'Showrooms' section of our website.For more information on retailers displaying Romo products in your area, please visit the 'Where to buy' section of our website.
How do I order a sample?
To view the colour or feel the texture of a fabric, you can order standard size samples from any of our stockists. If you require a larger size sample to see a pattern repeat, please contact your local Romo stockist who will be able to advise you. For more information on retailers and designers in your area, visit the 'Where to buy' section of our website.
How do I find out prices?
A recommended retail price for any of our products can be given to you by one of our stockists, please visit the 'Where to buy' section of the website for a list of stockists in your area.
I have an interior design business, how do I apply for a trade account?
If you are an interior design professional or retailer based in the UK or Eire, to enquire about opening a trade account please contact our UK sales department on 01623 750005, for an application form. Please note trade references will be required.
If you are an interior design professional or retailer based in the USA, Germany or The Netherlands, please visit the 'Contact Us' section of the website for details of your local Romo office.
For all other international trade enquiries, please contact your local agent or distributor for more information, details can be found in the 'Showrooms' section of the website or call our Export Department on +44 1623 755881
Technical Information & Help
What kind of paste should I use with your wallpaper?
We recommend the use of Romo Premium Quality Tub Adhesive; or an equivalent good quality, solvent free, fungicide protected, light grade, ready-mixed adhesive. All purpose and heavy duty pastes are not suitable. Hanging instructions are included in each roll of wallpaper.
What does railroaded mean?
The term 'railroaded' refers to the orientation of the fabric's pattern as it is woven on the fabric roll.
Regular fabric: The design is orientated to run along the length of the fabric and is the correct way as it comes off the roll.
Railroaded fabric: The design is orientated to run along the width of the fabric (selvedge to selvedge) so that you must turn the roll 90 degrees to show the design running the correct way. The width of the fabric is then used for the curtain drop.
Some stripe designs and wide width curtain fabrics are often railroaded avoiding the need for seams. A standard wide width / drop should accommodate most window heights.
For more information, please contact a professional interior designer or curtain maker.
What does 'half drop pattern repeat' mean?
A half drop pattern is where every other horizontal repeat (from side to side) is dropped down one half of its length i.e. the design repeats itself on the diagonal rather than the horizontal.
Regular horizontal repeat: The pattern repeats across the roll and is positioned at the same place at each selvedge, allowing a straight match for each cut of fabric.
Half drop repeat: The pattern repeats across the roll half way down the vertical repeat, usually to make the design repeats more interesting. This normally means allowing extra fabric for drapes and cutting very carefully as each cut will start at the half repeat.
For more information, please consult a professional interior designer or curtain maker.
What is a Martindale rub test?
The Martindale test is an abrasion test used to measure the durability of a fabric. The warp and weft threads are abraded to simulate wear and tear.
Does my fabric need to be fire retardant?
In the UK, all upholstered furniture must meet UK domestic or contract fire regulations. Fabric to be used on furniture must either pass a fire retardancy test or if exempt, must be used with a fire retardant interliner. The majority of our upholstery fabrics can be treated to enhanced levels of flame retardant performance on request. For more information please contact your interior designer or retailer. There are no current fire regulations in the UK for curtains, cushions and throws in general domestic situations.
How do I protect my sofa from general wear and tear?
Ask your retailer / upholsterer to provide upholstered furniture with armcaps to protect the area from extra wear, and cushions should be turned regularly to minimise wear.
How long should my curtains be?
Atmospheric conditions such as temperature and humidity can vary and may affect curtains when hung in situ. We recommend avoiding exact length curtains, ie, sill or floor touching and do recommend over length curtains.
The Company
Where does Romo get its name from?
Romo is a British company, founded in 1902 by Robert Mould who gave his name to the company: Robert Mould. The company remains a family run business today. Please visit the 'About Us' section of the website for more information.
Where is Romo based?
Romo's head offices are based in Kirkby-in-Ashfield, Nottinghamshire, UK. We have further offices in London, Munich, Cl. Houten (The Netherlands) and Cleveland, Ohio. Please go to 'Contact Us' for more information.